Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 11

Okay, so my last post was one of anger. I'm feeling much better since then. I went to my Orthopedist on Wednesday. He was not concerned at all about my issue. I told him I had a baby in July. I just ran a half marathon and since then I took a break and now I'm having this awful pain!

His answer... "You're using muscles you haven't used in a long time. You were pregnant and ceased hitting the pavement. Now you're out there with a vengeance and your legs are trying to get used to it again." It makes sense. He told me to start off training for this full marathon nice and easy.

This week I began taking Bikram Yoga. He said to keep up with that, do the eliptical then introduce the treadmill (because it is soft) in a few weeks. Go uphill because it's less impact, then graduate to a flat surface. Then in 6ish weeks, I can run outside again if I'm feeling better.

In 6 weeks, I should be running 11 miles as my long run. Hopefully with the eliptical and yoga and soon the treadmill, I will have built up the endurance to do that. In my doctor's opinion, I should have no problem meeting my goal in February. Hmph... hope he's right.

Today I did the eliptical for 40 minutes. I did it also on Monday with yoga on Tuesday and Wednesday. I worked out with my boflex weights Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow is yoga and probably weights. Maybe I can work the gym in there too and work out on the eliptical.

As far as my weight goes, I think I'll run easier once I shed a few more pounds. I've lost 32 of the 50 I gained while pregnant. I'm at 138 now. If I could get back down to 120 that would be great. 115 or 110 would be even better!!

10 year high school reunion is in a few weeks... there's a bit more motivation to get my ass in gear.

Well, it's Friday night. JP is down for the night I hope. He already woke up twice since I put him down originally. The Soup is on soon, then it's lights out. Early morning for me. Yoga isn't until 10, but I have to wake up around 7:00 to pump for Justin while he's at my dad's while I'm at yoga; then eat breakfast (2 hours prior to class or else I'll puke) then I have to get ready, get Justin ready and head to dad's which is 40 minutes away. It's on the way to yoga, so it's no big deal. No task is easy however with a child.

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